Review of SUPERMAS from

Oh, for the love of God, we get it, we get it: The superwomen - who might best be described as the superheroines of Nashville's theaterati and assorted non-stagey types - of SuperMAS love each other, admire each other's mad musical theater skills and get along as well as a bunch of Canadians trying to out-courteous one another! But just imagine how much fun it would be if the quintet of superior performers could somehow show us the seamy underbelly of their interactions and artistic collaborations, exposing us to the histrionics of the Real Housewives reality of their relationships...complete with overturned tables, repeated air kisses and trips to faraway lands where they redefine the term "ugly Americans."

Alas, we probably won't see any of that melodrama because the women of MAS Nashville (which is defined as "Mutual Admiration Society" by the five esteemed performers themselves) seemingly adore one another and now, after nine (count 'em, nine) biannual cabaret/concert productions from which they rake in so much money that they might be able to score one ticket to a Beyonce concert, it's clearer than ever before that their affection is genuine. We get it, we get it: Erin Parker, Laura Matula, Megan Murphy Chambers, Cori Laemmel and Melodie Madden Adams cannot help but be friends, comrades and confidantes. They are super-human, if not superheroines. We think they're swell.

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